What Should You Do If a Police Officer Is Harassing You Illegally?

It is very important that you take legal action against the police officers who are responsible for their misbehavior if you have been a victim of illegal harassment by them. You have the right to be liable to wrongdoing and promote a polite, safe relationship with law enforcement. This procedure will help you file a complaint and give you the information and help to make sure your rights are protected. The law also provides relief against illegal harassment by police under the Police Act 1861. What do you mean by police harassment? The police harassment means when a police officer used their power in excess to harass and torture the citizen. It is an illegal way to take advantage of the citizens by using their power. Example: prepare false cases, prepare false evidence, search without warrant, illegal detention, etc. Is there any provision available in the constitution for the legal rights of citizenship against police harassment? We have certain rights as Indian citi...