Inter Caste Marriage Scheme

 For generations, prejudices and discrimination based on caste have existed, impeding social growth and harmony. Acknowledging the necessity of tackling this issue, the Indian government has taken multiple measures to encourage inter-caste marriages, with the aim of dismantling caste boundaries and promoting harmony among its people.

Challenges Behind the Inter-Caste Marriage

  • The initiative attempts to dismantle caste-based biases, but it is unable to eradicate the ingrained social stigma attached to marriages between members of different castes. Many couples still encounter opposition from their communities and families, which makes it challenging for them to take full advantage of the scheme.
  • The approach must be implemented effectively if it is to succeed. In certain instances, unscrupulous practices and bureaucratic red tape have made it more difficult to promptly distribute rewards to qualified couples. Solving these problems is essential.

Inter-Caste Marriage Scheme: What Does it Include?

  • This scheme's main objectives are to foster social integration, lessen discrimination based on caste, and challenge deeply rooted preconceptions. The government aims to build a more accepting society in which individuals can live without being concerned about prejudice and discrimination because of their caste by promoting inter-caste marriages.
  • Under this scheme, couples who decide to marry beyond their caste receive incentives financially. Usually offered as financial awards, these incentives might assist couples with their early expenses out of their own pockets.
  • Legal protection is also provided by the scheme for Inter-Caste Marriage to couples who might encounter resistance from their communities or families. In situations where newlyweds are the target of harassment or assault, the government can step in to protect their safety and welfare.
  • This scheme's effective execution can serve as a model for fostering a harmonious society. Its favorable effects are increased when other states and areas are inspired to enact legislation.

Inter Caste Marriage Scheme


  • The scheme provides that couples who marry outside of their caste would receive Rs 10 lakh. 
  • Of that amount, Rs 5 lakh will be placed as a fixed deposit for a period of eight years, and the rest Rs 5 lakh will be transferred into a joint bank account between the bride and groom.


  • The government offers a one-time gift of Rs. 50,000 to eligible married couples from different castes as financial help. 
  • The couples must consent to specific conditions and hand over the money to the local self-governing Institution after receiving it.
  • The financial assistance can be utilized to establish a business, purchase land, or build a home, among other things.

Himachal Pradesh

  • Eligible couples can receive a maximum of Rs. 75,000 in financial support.
  • The money is disbursed in two installments: Rs. 25,000 within three years of the wedding and Rs. 50,000 at the time of marriage registration.
  • The money is able to be used for whatever purpose the couple feels is necessary, particularly expenses for the home and the children's schooling.

Madhya Pradesh

  • The scheme offers general caste adolescents an incentive of Rs. 200000/-for inter-caste marriages with men and women from scheduled castes.
  • According to the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, applicants must have their marriage registered with the Collectorate.
  • Furthermore, you must submit your completed application and all required documents no later than one year from the day of marriage.


  • Inter-caste married couples can receive an incentive of Rs 2.50 lakh for men and Rs 3 lakh for women if they were married on or after April 1, 2018.
  • Only those who submitted their applications within the first year of getting married would be eligible for the incentive.


  • The scheme has the potential to promote harmony among varied cultures, which is its most significant social effect. Inter-caste marriages bring individuals from distinct communities together and foster social harmony by challenging conventional beliefs about caste-based barriers.
  • The Indian Constitution is based on the concept of equality. The government seeks to implement this idea by fostering an equitable society and eliminating the caste-based framework by encouraging inter-caste marriages.

The Inter-caste marriage Scheme, which aims to eliminate caste-based stereotypes and foster unity among its residents, is a positive commencement. Despite its challenges and concerns, the plan has the potential to create a society that is more inclusive and equal. Financial rewards, protection from the law, and awareness campaigns may encourage people to make decisions based on their own preferences and feelings, as opposed to caving into social pressures.

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Inter-caste marriage


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